Giving Back

As a practice, it evolved among the Madrone team early on, and has continued to be an integral part of who we are and what it means to live, work and appreciate life.
Whether it’s a donation to the Veteran’s Memorial or the local Homeless Shelter, the Performing Arts Center or local environmental groups, we believe good citizenship and good business require giving generously. As we help provide the livelihood of dozens of families on the Central Coast, we also want to contribute to the health, safety, education and enjoyment of our communities.

Here are some of the groups we have supported:
Atascadero High School Greenhounds
Atascadero Lake Park Native Garden
Atascadero Parks and Recreation Commission
Atascadero Recreation Center Committee
Atascadero Youth Soccer League
Atascadero Youth Task Force
CAPS – Committee for Atascadero Public Schools
California Landscape Contractors Association
Colony Square Flag Monument
ECHO (El Camino Homeless Organization)
Mid-State Fair Fire Safe Demonstration House
Paso Robles Youth Football
San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden
San Luis Obispo Jazz Federation
SLO County Adopt-a-Road Program
SLO County Parks and Recreation Commission
SLO County Partners In Water Conservation
SLO Performing Arts Center Foundation
U.S. Green Building Council California Central Coast Chapter