Oct 26, 2022
A collaborative project with Signum Architecture and Pederson Construction, Clos Solene Winery’s tasting room area is in its design phase. With multiple indoor-outdoor rooms and access to a new wine “cave” built into one of the winery hillsides, the project is coming together with structure and poise.
Our job has been focused on plans for planting, irrigation, lighting, and hardscape decomposed granite areas, all while giving careful attention to beautiful views. Everything is oriented along vine rows with sight lines maintained over a foreground of waving grasses.
With an emphasis on flow from space to space, the main walkways from the parking lot and the cave intersect at a junction with a water feature and lush grasses, the plant layout forming a smooth transition between architectural spaces.
Clos Solene’s many nooks mean precise planning and placement of various plants in our native and mediterranean palette—from the perfect tree for a narrow planter to low-growing grasses softening the central corridor. The plan is coming together with exciting promise and a beautiful payoff.
Want more information on our vineyard design services? Contact our landscape designers at [email protected] or (805) 466-6263.
Sep 1, 2022
The Maison Mason Vineyard in West Paso Robles is a native oak grove paradise backdropped by classic sweeping grapevine rows. Madrone was tasked with designing a formal entry and establishing the native oak understory. We achieved the former through a dense planting around a new automatic entry gate, low board-form concrete walls, and select ornamental planting along the main road and entry drive. The latter goal was executed by locating a palette of native species on-site throughout the understory area, balancing long-lived foundation plants in a harsh climate with seasonal interest and lush variety in key areas.
Due to a steep cut slope bordering the entry drive, strategic planting selections targeted aesthetic and erosion concerns with native plant species that would spread and drape across the area. Brightly colored flower species stipple the palette and create the perfect drive up to sweeping vistas and a future development location.
We designed irrigation and low voltage lighting systems throughout the new landscapes to achieve longevity for this beautiful grove and entry, inviting guests to come and enjoy all that the vineyard offers.
Want more information on our vineyard design services? Contact our landscape designers at [email protected] or (805) 466-6263.