Paso Robles Horse Ranch

Paso Robles Horse Ranch

Paso Robles Horse Ranch | Paso Robles, CA

This landscape renovation focused on reducing the size of an existing lawn, providing a large patio space for entertaining, creating clearly defined pathways throughout the property, and adding drought tolerant planting to provide beauty and blend into the natural surroundings.

Colorful perennials and grasses were used to bridge the gap between the ornamental plantings and the views beyond. Decomposed granite walkways helped to reduce costs and keep the project within budget. An colored concrete patio with a mortared flagstone border clearly defined the primary entertainment patio and created visual appeal, while an integrated concrete seat wall with flagstone cap provided seating space.


Landscape Design and Construction: Madrone Landscape

Modern Rustic Retreat

Modern Rustic Retreat

Modern Rustic Retreat | Paso Robles, CA

The east side of Paso Robles is characterized by Oak Savannahs, rolling golden hills, and intense dry summer heat. This straw bale construction home, designed for modern sustainability, protects those inside from extreme temperatures outside.

The garden similarly acts as a beautiful refuge, insulating the home from the surrounding savannah, while blending colors and textures picked up from both the natural setting and the architecture of the home. Drifts of pastel colors surround elegant patios to give a feel of being situated within a field of outstanding wildflowers, while still maintaining calculated patterns with four-season appeal.

Winner of Outstanding Achievement for Large Residential Maintenace in 2013

Winner of CLCA’s Outstanding Xeriscape Statewide in 2007

Landscape Design: Stratton Semmes
Landscape Construction and Maintenance: Madrone Landscape